Round Hill Capital

Integrity, Innovation, Impact – a new ESG Strategy for Round Hill Capital

Integrity, Innovation, Impact – a new ESG Strategy for Round Hill Capital

  • Round Hill Capital launches new ESG Strategy, advised by Hillbreak
  • Underpinned by a refreshed statement of Core Values for the Company
  • Jon Lovell appointed to global ESG Committee to help support continued oversight

Since its foundation in 2002, Round Hill Capital has become a market leader in the real estate accommodation sector – offering a fully integrated investment, development and management approach alongside venture capital for early stage, high growth property technology companies.

Hillbreak was engaged by Round Hill Capital to develop an Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Strategy to help to underpin its corporate and investment management activities. Working with Round Hill Capital’s Executive Committee and a Company-wide Steering Group, we undertook in depth analysis to identify opportunities for a compelling ESG strategy that aligns with the Company’s pioneering, macro-driven and nimble approach to business.

Extensive internal surveying and dialogue was a key part of our approach, to further engage collaboratively with employees and decision-makers in the process of determining the core areas of focus for the ESG Strategy. We found significant appetite for Round Hill Capital to formalise a comprehensive and proactive approach to responsible property investment that aligns with investor objectives and supports financial returns and which also, notably, embraces key ESG impact themes emerging within the market.

Examination of the Company’s current activity revealed several examples of strong ESG-related business practices, which presented a clear opportunity to build on the existing internal culture to more consistently integrate ESG considerations into the investment process and development and asset management practices.

The resulting ESG Strategy sets out clear ambitions targeting performance and positive change, supported by a refreshed statement of the Company’s Core Values, which clarify Round Hill Capital’s commitments as a Group and its expectations of the conduct of its employees and wider stakeholders. Features of note include:

  • A focus on Round Hill’s core strengths of innovation, flexibility and proactivity – the Strategy highlights positive ESG impact, first mover advantage and stakeholder engagement as key features within its overarching business objectives.
  • Highlighting integrity alongside innovation, ensuring an underpinning of consistent standards and a continual drive to take account of ESG impacts, risks and opportunities in all business activities.
  • A structure for embedding ESG more formally into the real estate investment process. A suite of decision-making tools and best practice resources are currently being developed.
  • Prioritisation of internal capacity building and reporting capability, including systematic internal training, the development of ESG requirements for operating partners, and extension of investor and external reporting to include ESG performance.

The ESG Strategy combines strong foundations with the flexibility for Round Hill to capitalise on its strengths and take a positive, opportunistic and responsible approach to ESG.

Implementation will be led by a newly established ESG Committee, to which Jon Lovell, co-founder of Hillbreak, has been appointed as an independent member.

Commenting on the new ESG Strategy, Lovell said, “Working with Round Hill Capital has been a unique and insightful experience for Hillbreak. The Company’s blend of fast-paced successful growth and investment agility in alternative sectors, together with its core values, has created a really interesting opportunity to present a distinctive approach centred on integrity, innovation and impact. We’re so pleased to have been retained to help support Round Hill Capital with the realisation of its ESG goals.”

Paul Bashir, President and COO, commented, “Our new ESG Strategy is the formal expression of our innovative approach to community, wellbeing, environment and risk.  Round Hill Capital is really enthused by the prospect of working with our investors and other stakeholders to drive positive social and environmental outcomes and change alongside the delivery of investment performance.”

He continued, “Hillbreak has been an excellent partner for us to work with in helping to bring forward our new ESG Strategy. They have been challenging, bold and ambitious, which sits perfectly with how we do things at Round Hill Capital. I’m delighted that Jon will continue to bring insight, ideas and objectivity by serving on our new ESG Committee.”


About Hillbreak

Hillbreak provides training and strategic advisory services for organisations seeking purpose and competitive advantage in a changing urban world. Its mission is to expedite the transition to a sustainable policy, business and investment environment by bringing intelligence, challenge and inspiration to its clients and stakeholders.

About Round Hill Capital

Round Hill Capital is a leading global real estate investment, development and asset management firm.  Since inception in 2002, Round Hill Capital has acquired and repositioned for long-term institutional ownership over 110,000 residential units and student housing beds. Round Hill is a responsible landlord of assets offering housing to a range of occupants, from students through to senior citizens.

Round Hill Capital has an established track record of generating high risk-adjusted returns and invests in and asset manages real estate on behalf of some of the world’s leading institutions and private investors.

Further information on Round Hill Capital is available at: